
موسسه خيريه رفاه اجتماعي



Social Welfare Charity Organization

پرداخت معاش و مصارف مدارس قرآن کريم

Gift of Holy Quran to poor students for learning.

Information: Gift of Holy Quran to poor students for learning. 4/2/2024 Laghman-Nankarhar. With the advice of our colleagues, teachers of laghman and Nankarhar schools The help sent by the brother ...

Brief information: gift of 1000 volumes of the Holy Quran to the schools of Badakhshan province.

Brief information: gift of 1000 volumes of the Holy Quran to the schools of Badakhshan province. 1/1/2024. It was distributed by the colleagues of the service office and the officials and elders of...

سفر کارمندان دفتر رفاه به ولسوالی یاوان بدخشان

معلومات. سفر کارمندان دفتر رفاه به ولسوالی یاوان بدخشان. 13/7/2023 الحمدالله همکاران دفتر خدمات رفاه توانستند در بدخشان با مشوره برادر مجاهد نقی صاحب کمک مالی ( معاش ) یکتن استاد دارالیتا...

Laghman: Donation of 100 volumes of the Holy Qur'an and 70 volumes of Noorani Qaida to the students of Hazrat Somayya R.D. Madrasa.

غمان: کمک 100 جلد قرآن کريم و 70 جلد نوراني قاعده به شاګردان مدرسه حضرت سميه رض. Shortening the trip of service employees to Laghman province Today is October 26, 2022 ...

Nasrat Mena: Rs 105,000 monthly school fees and solar fans were included

Nasrat Mena Camp Monday; 30-05-2022 Monthly Fee Assistance for 185 Poor Students Sensitive teachers should be highly valued and respected Their service to th...

March Fees of 185 students from Zaid Bin Sabit and Usman bin Affan (RA) Madrasa were paid.

فيس ماه مارچ 185 تن طلباء مدارس زيد بن ثابت و عثمان بن عفان (رض) پرداخته شد   Nasrat Mina, Peshawar -0603-2022 Brief information:...

January Fees of 151 students of Zaid Bin Sabit Madrasa were paid

فيس ماه جنوری 151 تن طلباء مدرسه زيد بن ثابت پرداخته شد   Nasrat Mina – Peshawar. 03-01-2022 – Monday. Zayd Bin Sabit School is located in t...

150 thousand rupees fee 363 students; 205 thousand rupees in Madarsa Building and assistance for the disabled

150 هزار روپيه فيس 363 تن شاگردان و طلباء؛ 205 هزار روپيه در تعمير مدرسه و کمک برای معيوبين   Nasrat Mina, Peshawar Monday, 03-01-2022 ...

In Behsud district of Nangarhar, the Holy Quran School was assisted

در ولسوالی بهسود ننگرهار به مدرسه قرآن شريف کمک شد     25-12-2021 Saturday, Behsud, Nangarhar From the visit of the colleagues of the SWC...

کمک دوامدار به مدرسه تعلیم القران در ننگرهار

27عقرب  - 1400 الحمدلله درین مدرسه بیش از دوصد دختر شاگرد توسط استادان بااحساس اناث. درس قران می اموزند. یک برادرما عبدالفتاح...

موسسه خيريه رفاه اجتماعي